Elementa obaveštava potrošače koji su kupili proizvod fen za kosu, oznake RH-1558-1BL, da mogu da vrate nazad tamo gde su kupili. Ovaj proizvod se povlači iz prodaje zbog rizika da prilikom pregrevanja artikla dođe do oštećenja izolacije i kontakta sa kućištem fena. To predstavlja potencijalnu opasnost rizika od strujnog udara po korisnika. Rok za povrat artikla je 17.02.2025. Elementa se izvinjava kupcima za neprijatnosti koje bi ovo povlačenje moglo da izazove.
Povodom popisa, Elementa shop u Laze Mamužića 20a neće raditi od 06.02.2025. Sa redovnim radom nastavlja u ponedeljak, 10.02.2025.
Povodom popisa, Elementa Mega shop u Hrastovoj 3 neće raditi od 30.01.2025. od 13 h. Sa redovnim radom nastavlja u ponedeljak, 03.02.2025.
We are exclusive importers of home and garden appliances and tools ISKRA, then speakers and audio equipment SAL and home electronics HOME. For the last 6 years, we have been nourishing our own consumer electronics brand PROSTO, which today has over 350 items.
The electronic components that we import from well-known distributors from EU countries and the Far East are joining this range.
We have our storehouse, and the contingents arrive every third week.
The companies that cooperate with us we offer a stable stock, product catalogs, logistical support and reliable terms.
In other words, we are a partner you can count on!
The "Elementa" is present on the market for over 20 years. Created on the foundations of an older company, with almost identical business character, it 's based on the experience of over 25 years.
From the very beginning, the main definition was direct import from European distributors and manufacturers. Over time, we have expanded to the Far East where we have just over 35 suppliers. During our existence, we have worked hard to build the image of good business, reliability and faithful associates. Today, we are trying to be as professional as possible, without losing our flexibility.
The "Elementa" is ready to answer most of the challenges posed before it thanks to good logistical support and rich employee experience. In Serbia we operate with over 1800 companies, of which 1200 are continuous, multi-year cooperation. We have 2500 square meters of warehouse space. The wholesale headquarter is in Subotica, while sale representatives are present in all parts of the country.
Our retail stores are located in Belgrade and Subotica.
In addition to the mentioned brands we make catalog sales from all leading manufacturers and distributors from EU countries and the Far East. First of all, here we mention the most famous large shops:
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Na ovom sajtu koristi se tehnologija "cookies" uz koje analiziramo statistike posete, personalizujemo reklame i omogućavamo da sajt funkcioniše kako je i namenjen.
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Marketing kolačići služe za statistiku koja nam pomaže da razumemo kako se naš sajt koristi, za poboljšanje Vašeg iskustva na sajtu, kao i za personalizovane reklame koje odgovaraju Vama i Vašem ukusu.